Photo of the day

Updated: 2025-03-06 05:00

Photo Galleries

  1. Almonte
  2. AlmonteWaterPlant
  3. Carleton-Place
  4. Charleston
  5. Churches
  6. Derailment
  7. Europe1963
  8. Fraser-2021
  9. HollandCross
  10. Humour
  11. Inukshuk
  12. KDF9-manual
  13. KDF9
  14. Merrickville
  15. Napoleon
  16. Newfoundland
  17. Ottawa
  18. Pakenham
  19. Papanack
  20. Peterborough
  21. Pie-Contest
  22. QuebecCity
  23. Signs
  24. SmithsFalls
  25. Val-d-Or
  26. Vehicles
  27. War-Museum
  28. WellingtonStreet
  29. White-Lake
  30. Wildlife

Links to photos referred to in the blog

  1. 180 Faraday Ottawa
  2. 22 Manor Way Chesham
  3. 26 Stoughton Road Leicester
  4. 4 Chaucer Street Leicester
  5. 4 Green Lane Letchworth
  6. AGSCrest
  7. Balderdash diner
  8. Beware of Trains
  9. Bird box repaired
  10. Black Chipmunk
  11. Blue Jay icicle
  12. BlueChurch
  13. Boston Library
  14. Broken smoke alarm
  15. Caddy
  16. Calvin Merivale
  17. CanadianFlag.png
  18. Canon A70
  19. Canon G9
  20. Cardinal
  21. Cardinal
  22. Challoners entrance
  23. Challoners
  24. ChallonersCrest
  25. Cheese Store
  26. Chickadee
  27. Chickadee nest with eggs
  28. Church
  29. Clifton Hill
  30. Clifton Hill
  31. Clifton Hill Night
  32. Contaflex
  33. CoyoteOrFox
  34. Crosswalk
  35. Dam equipment
  36. Damaged birdbox
  37. Damaged birdbox
  38. Deer
  39. Deer fawns
  40. Deuce Instruction Card
  41. Diefenbunker entrance
  42. Earthquake sign
  43. Fawns
  44. Ferry
  45. First Cheque
  46. Flagpole hook
  47. Flycatchers abandoned nest
  48. Ford Thunderbird
  49. Fox
  50. Fox
  51. Front from right
  52. GCF chick
  53. GCF with green bug
  54. GCF with green bug
  55. Gear wheel against logs
  56. General view of auction
  57. Generator Rotor
  58. Great crested flycatcher
  59. Harvard Church
  60. Harvard Library
  61. Harvest time
  62. High explosives box
  63. Hitlers car
  64. Horseshoe
  65. House Winter
  66. Invading Robin
  67. JamCam
  68. Jupiter and satellites.png
  69. Kagawong Plaque
  70. Kagawong
  71. Kitchen snow
  72. Kitchen snow
  73. Knakrd
  74. Kodak Retina 2C
  75. Kodak Retina 2C
  76. Lighthouse
  77. Link Trainer
  78. Logo small transparent.png
  79. Mandelbrot1
  80. Mike Wasp Sting
  81. Mike1
  82. MiningHouse
  83. MiningMuseum
  84. Motorized rocking chair
  85. Mourning Doves
  86. Museum Dentist Chair
  87. Newly damaged birdbox
  88. Night raccoon
  89. Nikon Coolpix
  90. Old Bank House Alcester
  91. Olympus XA
  92. One way door
  93. OntarioFlag.png
  94. Orienteering
  95. Oven Element
  96. Pentax Spotmatic
  97. Picture of day
  98. Practice Hydrogen Bomb
  99. Pumpkin debris
  100. Queens Inn Common Room
  101. Rabbit
  102. Raccoon on roof
  103. RaccoonAndCoyote
  104. Robert Kennedy Desk
  105. Robins eggs
  106. Ruined back lawn
  107. Ruined front lawn
  108. Sears Stove
  109. Six Deer
  110. Skyline
  111. Soffit damage
  112. SonyAlpha
  113. Squirrel on deck
  114. StPetersCollege entrance
  115. StPetersCollege
  116. StPetersCrest
  117. Stanley Cup
  118. Staples copier box
  119. Staples copier
  120. Statgraph.png
  121. Stationary Steam Engine
  122. Steam engine
  123. Stickney Engine
  124. Stickney engine
  125. Study Jamcam
  126. Study Jamcam
  127. Study a
  128. Susie
  129. Telescope adapter with phone
  130. Telescope adapter
  131. Toppled sheep
  132. Trail Camera
  133. Two birdboxes
  134. UkraineFlag.png
  135. United Church
  136. Waterfall
  137. Windows10a
  138. Windows10b
  139. Windows10c
  140. Woodpecker